I am creating an abstract data type for strings implementing the string functions but not using the string library. I have my .c file and my .h file below. The problem seems to lie in addMystring I have commented out the area's that seem to have the problem. when they are not commented out I have a segmentation fault. though, it should work, so I believe that theres something wrong with my resizing functions, though I cannot figure out what. If someone could tell me what I am doing wrong I would appreciate it!
# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include "string.h"
# define bool int
# define true 1
# define false 0
typedef struct
int length;
int capacity;
char* data;
int stringlen(char*);
void doubleMyString(MyString*);
void halfMyString(MyString*);
// Implementation/Process:
// Takes in an address of a string of type MyString, and sets length to 0, capacity //to 10
// and data pointing to 10 bytes of memory. If the character array for data isn't //null then
// true is returned.
bool initMyString( MyString* aStr )
aStr= (MyString*)malloc(sizeof(MyString));
aStr->length= 0;
aStr->capacity = 10;
aStr->data = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*10);
return false;
return true;
//If the character string is larger than the capaicity of the MyString then the string is //doubled
void doubleMyString(MyString* aStr)
char* temp;
int i;
temp= (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*aStr->capacity*2);
for( i=0; i< aStr->length; i++)
free( aStr->data);
aStr-> data =temp;
void halfMyString(MyString* aStr)
//if the character string is less than 25% of the capacity of the MyString string then //the memory is halved
int i;
char* temp;
temp= (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*aStr->capacity/2);
for(i=0; i< aStr->length; i++)
temp[i]= aStr->data[i];
temp[i] = '\0';
aStr->data= temp;
bool copyMyString( MyString* aStr, char* cStr)
// Takes in a pointer to a MyString string and a pointer to a character string, the //values in the character string are copied into the MyString string.
//True is returned if the string is allocated correctly.
int i, length;
aStr->data =(char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*10);
length= stringlen(cStr) +1;
if (length >= (aStr->capacity-aStr->length))
while (length <= aStr->capacity- aStr->length)
else if (length < (aStr->capacity/4)-aStr->length)
while(length < (aStr->capacity/4) - aStr->length)
i= 0;
while(cStr[i] !='\0')
aStr->data[i] = cStr[i];
if (aStr->data !=NULL)
return true;
bool addMyString(MyString* aStr, char ch)
// Takes in a pointer of a string of type MyString and adds a character to the end of //the string. If there is not enough memory allocated to hold the character then the //capacity is doubled.
int length= aStr->length;
//aStr->data[length +1]='\0';
if ((aStr->length) >= (aStr->capacity))
if (aStr->data!=NULL)
return true;
bool catMyString( MyString* aStr , char* cStr)
// Takes in a pointer of a string of type MyString and a pointer to a string and
// concatenates the string to the end of the MyString string. If MyString isn't null
// true is returned.
int i;
for(i=0 ; i< stringlen(cStr); i++)
addMyString(aStr, cStr[i]);
aStr->data[i] = '\0';
if ( aStr->data != NULL)
return true;
bool readMyString( MyString* aStr, FILE* inFile, char delimit, int number)
// Takes in a pointer of a string of type MyString and a pointer to a file, the //characters from a file are read into the MyString, if there is not enough space, the //string is doubled. If the string isn't null, true is returned.
int i=0;
if ( aStr->data != NULL)
return true;
void destroyMyString( MyString* aStr)
// Takes in a pointer of a string of type MyString and frees the memory allocated for
// the string and sets the data members to their initial states.
int stringlen(char* Str)
int i=0;
while(Str[i] != '\0')
return i;
(sumber) https://www.daniweb.com/